Diagnostic Audiologic Evaluation

What is a diagnostic hearing evaluation? It simply means that your hearing needs to be further examined thoroughly with a few different tests. A diagnostic hearing evaluation may be recommended for individuals who did not pass an initial hearing screening. This evaluation helps your hearing instrument specialists understand if hearing loss is present, its severity, and its type.

What types of tests are done during a diagnostic hearing evaluation?

1) Pure-tone and bone conduction testing

Pure-tone testing determines the quietest tones that a person can hear at different frequencies, both low and high. Bone conduction testing is similar to pure-tone, however, a different type of headset is used to provide the audiologist with different information. A bone conduction test will help the audiologist determine whether the loss is conductive in nature or sensorineural.

2) Speech testing

A speech reception threshold (SRT) test is used to confirm the results of a pure-tone test. This test determines the lowest level of sound the patient can clearly identify words or speech.

3) Video otoscope:

Your hearing instrument specialist will also look inside your ear using a Video Otoscope.  This is a tiny camera that allows us to look inside of your ear for any occlusions such as wax or fluid buildup.

What can I expect during a diagnostic hearing evaluation?

The evaluation will last about 40-60 minutes in length. You should also allow time for discussion with the audiologist to review test results and ask questions.

If the results indicate you need hearing aids, you will want to allow for sufficient time to discuss your options.

It is recommended that you bring a family member with you to the evaluation appointment. Most hearing instrument specialists agree that hearing loss is a family issue. It helps to have another supportive person at the appointment to help you understand the information and recommendations.